Sunday, June 17, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #10

Write down one thing that made you smile for every day this week.

Sometimes life becomes hard, patience is worn thin, faith is tested, and trials can be overwhelming. It is during these times that we tend to forget that our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. Satan is the one who wants us to live in misery. As we realize this truth, that even in times of struggle our Heaven Father wants us to be happy, we can gain strength and comfort. So this week focus on finding on thing that brought a smile to your face because it can be counted as a blessing.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #8

Select a verse or a couple verses of scripture to study and ponder about this week.

Sometimes in studying the scriptures, we tend to just read the words, and not really "study" them. By focusing on one small part of scripture and immersing and thinking about it for a whole week, you will be open to receive all that that section of scripture has to teach you instead of just reading it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #7

Keep a gratitude journal; at the end of every day this week write down three things you are grateful to have been blessed with that day.

Sometimes life is hard and it seems like we can't see the blessings that are being given to us. Sometimes we can feel like Heaven is closed off and silent. Sometimes we pray but we don't think we receive an answer.  Sometimes things that our out of our control happen and send us off in a direction we don't understand. Sometimes life is just hard. 

Even when all of the sometimes happen in our lives, even when we are lost and feel as though we are alone, our Heavenly Father is there. He is always by your side. He is always waiting to bless you. 

This week is a week where we will try to see the blessings despite the distractions of the world. This week is a week where we will try to see the light when all we feel is darkness. 

Remember that Heavenly Father loves and knows each one of us and He is continually blessing us.

Be grateful and be happy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #6

First of all Happy Easter!

Today is a day when we focus on the Savior and on the resurrection. This is a time when the atonement is close to our hearts and ever-present in our minds. Please as you go through the Be Happy Challenge for this week, remember that the gospel is centered on Jesus Christ, He is the only way we can gain eternal life. He lived, He died, and He was resurrected all for us.

The Be Happy Challenge for this week is:

Select a gospel principle/topic to study this week (i.e. faith, prayer, charity, humility); as you study, pray to be lead to understand and share your knowledge with another.

In thinking about Be Happy Challenge #6, it's really about putting the little things into practice. There have been Be Happy Challenges in the past that have asked us to focus on prayer and scripture study, and this one combines the two and really asks us to put them into action.

As you go through this challenge, remember that sometimes it is our time and opportunity to learn, and other times it is our time and opportunity to teach.

Be happy and be lead to gain knowledge!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #5

Watch General Conference and write down the impressions you receive from the Spirit.

General Conference is a special time when the prophet and his apostles address the whole church worldwide. This is a time when we as members of the church have the opportunity to receive counsel from the leaders of the church. Heavenly Father has called these people to lead us at this time. The counsel we receive during General Conference is for our time and our situations.

As we listen to the talks given at conference we have the opportunity to gain personal revelation. The Lord will speak to us through the mouths of his servants. Listen to conference with a willing mind and heart. Write down the impressions you get from the Spirit.

Be happy watching General Conference!

Be Happy Challenge #4

Ponder, through scripture study and prayer, a question you would like answered.

This weekend is General Conference weekend, and one of the ways we as sisters can prepare to be instructed by the prophet and apostles is by thinking of a question we would like answered; it can be about a gospel topic, a personal question, or anything that you feel you need an answer to, and then ponder this question throughout the week by praying about it and studying the scriptures. Then before each session of General Conference say a prayer asking Heavenly Father to reveal his will for you through the conference talks.

This will make General Conference more meaningful and will help you draw closer to your Heavenly Father which will make you happy.

Ponder questions and be happy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #3

Converse with your Heavenly Father. Seek guidance by praying every morning and night this week.

Today in sacrament we were counseled by our bishopric and their wives. Some of the counsel we were given included testimony about the power of prayer. Prayer is the way that we communicate with our Father in Heaven, and it is a two-way form of communication. Our Heavenly Father answers prayers. The power of prayer includes many blessings.

In D&C 10:5 it says, "Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work." Satan is real, he knows our weaknesses, and he wants us to be miserable like he is. He will do anything to tempt us to make choices that draw us away from our Father in Heaven. Prayer is something that gives us power over the adversary. It brings us closer to Heavenly Father and gives us protection from the adversary.

As you pray this week. Pray for guidance and blessings, and also express gratitude for the blessings you receive. Prayer is a powerful tool that can bring many blessings and much joy.

Remember to pray and be happy this week!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #2

Preform an act of service for a sister in the ward everyday this week.

This challenge of preforming an act of service for a sister is something that can be really simple. An act of service can be anything from text messaging a sister and asking her about her day to picking something up for a sister while at the grocery store. Service is not always about doing a physical act for someone, although sometimes that is the best way to lift someones burdens; service is about taking the time to think of someone else. Service is about being selfless.

As you think about the sisters in our ward, remember that everyone has their challenges and trials, and that part of being in Relief Society is providing relief for your fellow sisters in the gospel.

Serve and be happy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #1 Continued

Because we just barely introduced these Be Happy Challenges into our Relief Soceity, we've decided to continue to participate in the first challenge for another week.

So sisters, continue to read the Book of Mormon for at least 15 minutes each day, and remember to be happy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Welcome, Welcome!

This is the official blog of the Rose Park YSA Ward North Relief Society; a place where sisters can comment and share their experiences and testimonies of the Be Happy Challenges that we as a Relief Society are participating in.

The hope is that as sisters share, they will serve each other. As we share our experiences with others, we teach and serve by creating opportunities to learn from each other. Please feel free to comment each week and to share the experience, knowledge, and testimony gained from the Be Happy Challenge.

Be Happy Challenge #1

This week’s challenge is to read the Book of Mormon for at least 15 minutes a day.

Throughout the week feel free to post favorite verses, thoughts, impressions, and anything else that you feel will benefit your fellow sisters!

Be Happy Reading!!!