Sunday, March 18, 2012

Be Happy Challenge #3

Converse with your Heavenly Father. Seek guidance by praying every morning and night this week.

Today in sacrament we were counseled by our bishopric and their wives. Some of the counsel we were given included testimony about the power of prayer. Prayer is the way that we communicate with our Father in Heaven, and it is a two-way form of communication. Our Heavenly Father answers prayers. The power of prayer includes many blessings.

In D&C 10:5 it says, "Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work." Satan is real, he knows our weaknesses, and he wants us to be miserable like he is. He will do anything to tempt us to make choices that draw us away from our Father in Heaven. Prayer is something that gives us power over the adversary. It brings us closer to Heavenly Father and gives us protection from the adversary.

As you pray this week. Pray for guidance and blessings, and also express gratitude for the blessings you receive. Prayer is a powerful tool that can bring many blessings and much joy.

Remember to pray and be happy this week!


  1. I'll be honest, there were a couple days this week that I slacked off in saying my prayers, but when I did I felt the most wonderful assurance that someone was listening. I know the power of prayers and the strength they are in my life.

    I also had a prayer answered within the last week. I had a math test and I knew it would be a hard one for me. I studied my little heart out and then prayed for Heavenly Father to make up the difference (this is for a class I need to pass to graduate). He did. While taking the test I knew how to solve every single one of the problems listed. I have yet to find out the results, but I'm very grateful for the blessing and have a definite testimony of prayer.

  2. The power of prayer is something that is very real in my life. I send petitions to heaven multiple times a day. I ask my Heavenly Father for blessings that I need and things that I want, and I thank him for those blessings that he gives me.

    Prayer is also a way to serve others because keeping others in your prayers brings them blessings. Prayer is our way to communicate with our Heavenly Father. He wants us to keep in constant communication with him. He loves us, He knows us, and He wants to bless us. The easiest thing that we can do to help us have the companionship of the Spirit, and the blessings of Heaven is to pray.

    D&C 10:5 says, "Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work."

    This to me is the greatest blessing prayer gives us, besides letting us communicate with our Heavenly Father. The Adversary is real. He wants us to fail. He wants misery for us. Pray is the protection we need to combat the Adversary and his servants. It gives us the power to come off conqueror. We can conquer Satan!

    The power of prayer is real, use it.
